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Sekian, terima kasih.
A workfolw consists of a sequence of connecte steps :
depition of a sequence of operations
declared as work of a person
a group of persons
an organization of staff or one or more simple or complex mechanisms
Workfolw :
may be seen as any abstraction of real work
segregated in work share
work split or other types of ordering
enabled by a systematic organization of resources
defined roles and mass, energy and information flows, into a work process that can be documented and learned
designed to achieve processing intents of some sort, such as physical transformation, service provision or information processing.
For control purposes, workflow may be a view on real work under a chosen aspect, thus serving as a virtual representation af actual work. The flow being described often refers to a document that is being transferred from one stepp to another.
e.g : for describing a reliably repeatable sequence of operations
Example of good workflow scheduling -Keep cash register jinglingWhether you have a huge shop or a small one, proper workflow strategies and scheduling can make a large impact on your shop's bottom line and your customers satisfaction level. With that said, the following will be of greatest benefit to small shops blossoming into medium-sized operations that are just beginning to require workflow controls.Workflow management is the controls you place on the process of repairing vehicles in your shop. Scheduling is the process of making drop-off and pickup appointments for those vehicles with your customers. These two activities probably make up the bulk of the shop manager or production supervisor workload at your facility and are closely interwined.References:1)
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